BAWI 2017

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Business Analysis Workshop Italy 2017

Business Analysis for Change, Transformation and Innovation

Strategy through Gaming, Lean, Design Thinking

Crediti formativi: 7 CDU, 7 PDU (4 Strategic + 3 Leadership)


Share understanding through real initiatives, games, workshop.


La giornata ha previsto l’intervento di Keynote Speaker, Game e Workshop per praticare gli approcci proposti, rendere unica l’esperienza e raccogliere spunti per attivare un ciclo positivo di cambiamento per portare valore a tutti.

Sono stati introdotti alcuni meccanismi fondamentali per cambiare e innovare applicando tecniche di Collaborative Game, Agile Lean, Design Thinking, Canvas coni nostri Keynote Speaker di caratura internazionale:

Speeches & Games con Michael, Ugo e Michele

Inoltre, workshop sul Design Thinking applicato al disegno di nuovi modelli di business con i nostri partner d’eccezione:

“DAL BAWI 2016 VERSO BAWI 2017 ……. Vi aspettiamo per un’esperienza indimenticabile.”

Prassede Colombo, President IIBA® Italy Chapter

Our Organization

The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) in Italy The Mission of IIBA® is to develop and maintain standards for the practice of business analysis and establish a certification path for the BA. The Vision is to be the leading professional association for business analysts in the world. Find the benefits in IIBA® Membership: IIBA MEMBERSHIP BROCHURE IIBA® Professional Certification Program Information: IIBA CERTIFICATION BROCHURE

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